Rental Options

Free rental space in MediaPark
In the MediaPark you will find high-quality, modern office and commercial space in all sizes, best neighbors and prospects as well as a charming environment in the best inner city location. Here is an overview of our current free rental offers.

The rental of apartments in the MediaPark is done by the investors or brokers of the respective buildings, which you would have to get in touch with. In the actual residential development of the MediaPark are the following in detail:

In MediaPark 10: Condominiums; Rental by their respective owners.

In MediaPark 11-15: rental housing; Leasing on behalf of AXA Real Estate Managers Deutschland GmbH In addition, there are apartments in almost all office buildings of the MediaPark, which are let by the respective investors.

A demand is possible at:

In MediaPark 6: MEAG Real Estate Düsseldorf GmbH Department of Trade 2 Mr. Krienen Copy to Clipboard 40210 Düsseldorf, Germany Fon: 0211 – 17 54 46-54 Fax: 0211 – 17 54 46-93

In the MediaPark 4 Development Partner Immobilien Consulting GmbH Thorsten Hotop In the customs port 18 50678 Cologne, Germany Tel .: 0221 – 80 16 13 Fax: 0221 – 80 16 13 29 E-Mail: